Transactions in Passive Rights

At ProfitFlow, we facilitate the assignment of passive rights, enabling companies to share part of their future revenues with interested buyers. These revenues can come from a variety of activities, ranging from product distribution to the exploitation of intellectual property rights.

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Flexibility in the Transfer: Geographical and Proportional

Our system allows flexible transfer of passive rights. Purchasers can divide them up in whole or in part, either geographically or by percentage of territory, or even a combination of the two. This model not only generates additional income for the original company, but also offers a new source of income for the sub-purchasers, while providing greater financial security for all.

Registration and sub-licensing fees

Important clarification: registration fees are only payable in the event of a sub-assignment of passive rights. These fees are essential to guarantee the legitimacy and security of secondary transactions. They also ensure the smooth running and ongoing improvement of our platform, so that we can offer you a flawless user experience.

Electronic signature with OKSign

As part of our commitment to simplifying transactions, we have integrated electronic signatures into our process. Thanks to our partnership with OKSign, all contracts relating to passive rights can be signed electronically, ensuring a fast, secure and legally compliant procedure. This innovation brings greater efficiency and improved accessibility for all platform users.

The Crucial Role of Lobbyists

ProfitFlow's lobbyists play an essential role in connecting and aligning the objectives of passive rights sellers with potential acquirers. They help to establish fruitful collaborations, ensuring the sustainability and expansion of this innovative market.

Towards a Global Marketplace

Our long-term vision is the creation of a global marketplace, where every company can sell its passive rights and every buyer can trade them. This market, estimated to be worth around €5,000 billion annually, represents a huge opportunity for companies of all sizes.

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