We had the keys in hand to take action

At 24PM, which co-initiated the project, the realisation was instantaneous: we not only had the necessary resources and knowledge, but also a unique opportunity to act for the common good.

Our track record is living proof that when opportunity knocks, we have a duty to respond with boldness and integrity.

"Being in a position to change the world is not just an opportunity, it's a responsibility."

The Fusion of Resources and Vision

With a range of resources, we chose action over observation. Our resources, combined with our expertise, have created an environment conducive to innovation. We are aiming for a future where prosperity is shared and sustainable, beyond immediate gains.

Knowledge as a catalyst

Power lies in information, strength in knowledge. At 24PM, our vast knowledge has enabled us to overcome the obstacles of misunderstanding, paving the way for informed decisions and impactful actions.

The Opportunity to Pave the Way

The story offered us a scene, and we chose to play the lead role.

Recognising the scale of our influence, we have taken the initiative to chart a new course, one where every step is guided by responsible innovation and positive impact.

The Duty to Act

As Nelson Mandela said, "where there's a will, there's a way".

This principle is at the heart of our mission. We had the keys in hand, and we chose to open the doors not just for ourselves, but for everyone.

Every action we take is driven by the conviction that the potential for a better world is in our hands.

Inspirationality as Essence

We don't follow, we innovate.

In the spirit of visionaries like Steve Jobs, we aim to inspire, to raise standards, to reinvent the future.


Today, at ProfitFlow, we're more than just economic players; we're pioneers of a new era. Faced with the challenges of our time, we act with courage and determination. Every day, we demonstrate that the ability to act for the better is a duty - for ourselves, for others, for the future.


In building a legally sound and resilient system at ProfitFlow, we would like to express our deep gratitude to Patrick Kileste for his crucial role and invaluable contributions. A legal expert of the highest calibre: Patrick Kileste, who holds a law degree with great distinction from the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), is a highly qualified legal professional. His legal training and expertise extends to specific areas such as commercial distribution law, including sales concessions, agencies and franchises, as well as company law. These skills have been fundamental in navigating the legal complexities that 24PM has faced. A Specialist in Distribution and Competition Law: Particularly active in the field of commercial and distribution law, both at national and European level, Patrick Kileste has brought to ProfitFlow a broad legal perspective, essential to ensuring the compliance and efficiency of our operations in an ever-changing commercial environment. This expertise has enabled our company to confidently navigate the international marketplace, ensuring healthy and compliant expansion and growth. An experienced mediator and communicator As an accredited mediator in civil, commercial and family matters, as well as a practitioner of Non-Violent Communication, Patrick Kileste has played a key role in facilitating dialogue and resolving potential conflicts. His mediation skills have helped to create a harmonious and cooperative working environment, crucial to ProfitFlow's success. Conclusion Patrick Kileste's presence and expertise within the ProfitFlow project were major assets. His extensive legal skills, commitment to mediation and ability to communicate effectively have been essential in establishing a sound and resilient legal framework. We are deeply grateful for his unwavering support and dedication to the success of our business.

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