Passive Rights

Introduction to Passive Rights

Passive rights, which are distinct from financial assets, represent a single right to receive future income from a company's sales.

Historically used between 1830 and 1920, they have been reinvented to form a contemporary trading system.

By selling these rights, companies can monetise their future value and finance their growth.

At the same time, acquirers are exploring opportunities in a global market valued at around €5,000 billion, fertile ground for innovative and lucrative initiatives.

Process and Benefits of Passive Rights :

The sale of passive rights is a process whereby a company gives up the right to receive a share of its income in return for payment.

These revenues may come from the distribution of products, services or the licensing of intellectual property rights.

By exercising these rights, the purchaser can commit to an ecosystem of ongoing revenues, thereby increasing the financial security of the initial business.

This method offers remarkable flexibility, allowing rights to be transferred in part or in full, thereby creating a permanent cash flow.

Role of buyers and lobbyists

In this world of passive rights, purchasers and lobbyists play essential roles.

The former, by acquiring rights, open the way to successful acquisitions.

The latter, ProfitFlow representatives, actively promote its services, establishing links of trust with key players.

They facilitate meetings between sellers and buyers, ensuring that their objectives are perfectly aligned, which is vital to the success of transactions.

Legal and regulatory framework

The legal framework for passive rights is essential for their effective management.

Regulation, particularly in Belgium, and the preventive self-regulation put in place by ProfitFlow, ensure a balance between innovation and compliance.

This framework encompasses various types of passive rights and highlights their crucial role in the modern economy, ensuring transparency and fairness for all involved.

History and Vision of ProfitFlow

ProfitFlow was born of a bold vision, inspired by interactions in various sectors and the alternative finance expertise of its founders.

They have reinterpreted passive rights to create a network based on trust and collaboration.

The challenges, including the development of a robust IT system and the creation of secure contracts, were successfully met, marking significant achievements, including the management of large transactions from launch.

Mission and Future Impact

ProfitFlow's mission is to transform the business world by energising the exchange of passive rights.

By forging a global market, ProfitFlow aims to unlock value for companies while providing attractive investment opportunities for acquirers.

This innovative vision aims to redefine corporate financial management, promising a substantial impact on the global economy.

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