Why choose ProfitFlow?
A vision of harmony between financial markets and state actors

Today, faced with the multiplicity of financial models, the question remains: can we combine innovation and tradition without harming any market player?

ProfitFlow provides a clear and reassuring answer to this question. Let's discover together how ProfitFlow creates a bridge between the traditional and the innovative, offering added value for all.

Complementing the banking system :

The ProfitFlow system is not designed to compete with or displace the traditional banking system.

On the contrary, it complements it. Designed to provide an effective response to fund-raising needs, ProfitFlow fits seamlessly into the existing landscape.

Far from impoverishing the banks, it gives them a new dynamic, allowing them to diversify their sources of financing.

Pragmatically, several leasing companies finance the purchase of ProfitFlow servers, the average cost of which is sometimes an obstacle for some companies, but which is nevertheless essential to the smooth running of each company's protocol.

Security for Business Angels:

Investors, particularly business angels, are constantly looking for ways to secure their investments.

ProfitFlow gives them this peace of mind.

Thanks to its structure and mechanisms, it is now easier for investors to guarantee and protect their capital, while actively participating in the growth of innovative companies.

This is why most of the business angels who know us recommend ProfitFlow to the start-ups in which they have invested.

An increased source of revenue for governments :

While it is essential for companies to find new sources of finance, it is equally vital for governments to benefit from a share of these financial flows. ProfitFlow, which is subject to VAT on its operations, generates significant tax revenues for governments. Compared with other financing methods, ProfitFlow is a wise choice for growth that benefits everyone.

A competitive cost

Efficiency doesn't always mean high cost. ProfitFlow is the proof. With an overall cost of close to 10.45% for amounts under €1 million and 10% for amounts over €1 million, it defies all competition. Especially when you consider that the average CTO is 28% for more traditional systems. A substantial saving for companies looking to maximise their profits.

ProfitFlow is more than just a business model

It's a vision of a future where innovation and tradition coexist harmoniously for the benefit of all concerned. So why not embark on this adventure and discover the benefits of ProfitFlow for your business?

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